The Three Rules of Wine

The Three Rules of Wine

I’m Heidi Ganahl: This is why I want Colorado’s vote in the midterm election to be the last one. I want people who are pro-life to get out and vote. I want people who don’t want the government to tell them when and how to do things to vote. I want them to vote with their hearts, not their mouths, and I want to make that easier with this column. That’s it.

The other day while the other ladies were arguing with my boss over the fact that I’d had a few too many cocktails, I looked in the fridge and saw a few bottles of wine that looked like they’d make great Christmas presents. The one with my name on it I had made for me and the other was for a friend, but I was pretty sure it would also hold up in the office. The bottles were a mystery. All I knew was that it was dark gold and had a label on it that looked like something out of a science fiction novel.

So I asked my boss if she’d mind me drinking it before bed. “It’s from this wine guy I know. He’s been making some really great wines at his place.”

With that, I asked for a week off so I could get to that place. And in case these bottles were not enough, I took along some pretty good wine gift cards.

I’m not a big wine drinker. I don’t know that I ever finished a bottle of wine at a restaurant until just this year, but I do know that when I do drink them, I like them. The first rule of wine is that it should be consumed without guilt. I have yet to reach that stage, but I’m probably close. The second rule of wine is that you should keep it in your hand or, better still, in your purse. The next rule is that you should pour it in your glass like you were pouring vinegar on your morning coffee. The third is that just as soon as you’ve had a few glasses, you should throw them away. And the final rule is that you

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